Interests and Hobbies – Strength in the Work Place?
What makes a good leader? Drive? Focus? Compassion? My first foray into managing people was more than 20 years ago. At the time, I was barely 22 years old [...]
What makes a good leader? Drive? Focus? Compassion? My first foray into managing people was more than 20 years ago. At the time, I was barely 22 years old [...]
There is this TED talk that describes me to a “T”. I remember the day clearly. I was in my raspberry garden (picture pruning overgrown out-of-control shoots). I had [...]
I was in the middle of writing a very different blog when today happened and I had to save that one for another time so I could tell you about [...]
Where is spring? My 7, 5, and 1 year old have been looking for it for a couple weeks now. Ever since that nasty groundhog decided to finish his nap. [...]
I was watching my teenage daughter do some chores the other day and as she walked from point A to point B, her head was down and she was completely [...]
Last year, around this time, I wrote a blog about the much anticipated (or dreaded) holiday party. Tis the season for holiday parties and this year’s December blog topic [...]
I have been tossing around this blog idea in my head for months now, probably since Thanksgiving when “giving thanks” is more openly shared. From seeing hand turkeys with [...]
In 15+ years of event planning, I’ve experienced many onsite challenges. There is the frequent (albeit frustrating problem) of late coffee/break food delivery; and the ever present risk of poor [...]
Most of us make a New Year’s resolution list or at least think about how we can improve the New Year. And on that list, most of us will write [...]
I have a love-hate relationship with this time of year. As a mom I love the excitement it brings to my household - the homemade gifts that my children carefully [...]