About mtgnw

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So far mtgnw has created 114 blog entries.

Continuing Education, is it worth it?

By |2019-01-24T13:55:30-05:00December 8th, 2014|Categories: business strategies, Event Planning, Organizational Management & Administration|Tags: , , , |

As event planners, we carefully plan, budget, and execute meetings and events in an industry that is forever evolving – our venues, the conference styles and themes, the audio/visual equipment [...]

Virtual Teamwork.

By |2019-01-24T13:55:31-05:00November 6th, 2014|Categories: business strategies, Communication, Organizational Management & Administration|Tags: , , , |

How Instant Messaging helps with Communication and Collaboration in our Virtual Workplace. As an event-planning firm we only succeed if we foster good communication at our conferences and events. We [...]

Our New Tool: A Twitter Wall

By |2019-01-24T13:55:32-05:00September 18th, 2014|Categories: Event Planning, social media|Tags: , , , |

Meetings Northwest just finished coordinating the 2014 National Rural ITS Conference in Branson, MO. Between break-out sessions, keynote speakers and a little zip-lining, we decided to fully incorporate Twitter at [...]

My Quest for a Small Business Social Media Plan, Part 4 (Final)

By |2019-01-24T13:55:33-05:00August 20th, 2014|Categories: business strategies, Communication, social media, Uncategorized|

Be Consistent, so be REAListic. So last time we came up with how to find ideas to write and post about; you may have already started posting, which is excellent! [...]

My Quest for a Small Business Social Media Plan, Part 3

By |2019-01-24T13:55:33-05:00August 13th, 2014|Categories: business strategies, Communication, Organizational Management & Administration, social media|

Write or post something relevant. So you know where to find your audience, now how to connect with them through relevant posts. This is the hard one. What if you [...]

My Quest for a Small Business Social Media Plan; Part 2

By |2019-01-24T13:55:34-05:00July 30th, 2014|Categories: business strategies, Communication, Organizational Management & Administration, social media, Uncategorized|

Understand your audience and define mediums they use. You have defined your social media goals – now how to execute them . . . The next step is understanding your [...]

My Quest for a Small Business Social Media Plan

By |2019-01-24T13:55:35-05:00July 23rd, 2014|Categories: business strategies, Communication, Organizational Management & Administration, social media, Uncategorized|Tags: , , , |

I am on a mission to devise a social media plan for Meetings Northwest, LLC. In the beginning I understood that we needed one, but I had no idea how [...]

Meetings Northwest’s Mission

Our goal at Meetings Northwest is to exceed our client’s expectations in providing quality event management and administrative services. We work closely with our clients on several different levels, allowing them to focus entirely on their mission while we take care of many of the details. We help fulfill our client’s vision while adhering to their budget, through excellent planning, creativity, and goal setting.

Meeting Professionals International Member

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